Web based since the start of the web

Pioneers of web based technology in the Transportation Industry

How can we build technology that levels the playing field for companies of all sizes? That’s been the fundamental question driving our development since 1999.

In 2024 Epay Manager was acquired by OTR Solutions, a leading freight factoring and trucking technology service provider.

Epay develops powerful web based applications that help freight brokers of all sizes to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of their back-office operations.

The Epay team has been together and improving Epay for nearly two decades. These years of experience have led to a highly productive work flow that allows us to deliver quality programming in a short period of time.

In our 20 years of experience, we’ve seen the massive impact Epay Manager has delivered for both solo operators and massive global corporations. 

Learn More about Epay and its evolution.

Numbers speak for themselves

Years on the Web
Funds Transferred
$ 0 B
Carriers Served
0 +

Our customers and carriers are our true partners. They communicate their needs and help us develop innovative new tools that improve their billing and settlement experience.

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